Apr 292014

The Board of Directors and Staff of Sun Center Federal Credit Union would like to thank all of the members who were able to attend this year’s annual meeting on March 22, 2014 . We appreciate you taking time out of your day to hear about Sun Center and what we’ve been up to. We appreciate your feedback, and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

We’d also like to take the time to thank the following generous business owners who donated items to this year’s meeting:



Authorized Transmissions

Burnet’s Septic Service

Choo Choo’s Coffee Shop Inc.

The Depot

East of Chicago

The Enchanted Florist

Hershey’s Ice Cream & More

LaGrange Hardware

LaGrange Party Center

Mayor of LaGrange, Mr. Kim Strauss


Virgil’s Kitchens & Baths Inc.



MGM Construction Inc.


Rentless Recovery

Weltman, Weinberg, and Reis Company

North Ridgeville

Expert Automotive

Michael G’s Florist

Ridgeville Wash Wizzard

Ross Builders



Sheffield Village

Vapor Cast


Brother’s Chevrolet